The editor of Jurnal AGENTS welcomes article submissions with the following writing guidelines:  

  1. Article has not been published in any other media and does not contain any elements of plagiarism.
  2. Types of the article are suitable for publication to include the following; research reports (laboratory, field, archives), conceptual ideas, studies, theory applications, issue reports, and survey paper.
  3. The paper published in this journal implies that the work described has not been and will not be published elsewhere, except in abstract, as part of a lecture, review, or academic thesis.
  4. The submission manuscripts are in Microsoft Word document format or Latex document format.
  5. The paper should contain the common sections as below:
    1. Introduction, which includes issues and problems to be solved, the study of related and relevant previous publications.
    2. Research method, which includes analysis, design, and implementation
    3. Results and discussion, which includes experimental or simulation results and critical analysis of the experimental results.
    4. Conclusions, which includes the main findings
    5. Future Works, this section is optional.
    6. Acknowledgements, this section is optional. If exist, should be addressed to parties
  6. Article is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English (preferable) using academic language along with standard academic writing structure and composition. The article is typed 1 spaced in two-column of a quarto paper size (A4), between 2000-3500 (6-10 pages) in length including references, pictures, and tables (or after layout in our standard format with minimum 10 pages and space 1.
  7. Title, abstract, and keywords should be written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  8. Article should be in form of an essay with the following structure:
    1. title (max 12 words): comprehensive, clear, precise, and does not contain subtitles. The title is written in a capital letter with a font size of 14, formatted in bold and 1 space.
    2. author’s name (without academic degree) with the institution’s name and an e-mail address.
    3. abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, formulated in one paragraph contained 120-200 words which represents the aim, method, and result of the paper.
    4. key words in English and Bahasa Indonesia (3-5 words),
    5. section and subsection: section and subsection title is written in bold with a font size of 12. The section title is written in capital letter, while the subsection title is written using capitalize each word.
    6. introduction (may include subsections) contains background, objectives, literature reviews, theoretical framework (if needed), and materials and methods.
    7. result and discussion can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English, provide and discuss clearly on the problem and aim of the research
    8. figure, table, and formula should include title, number, as well as detailed information and should be referred to in the text (figure title and number are written under the figure/picture, while table title and number are written above the table). The result which is displayed in a figure or table should be a final result. Figure and table referencing by mentioning the number not the position such as “ below”, “above” etc. but it should be “in table 4”, “in figure 2” etc.
    9. conclusion
    10. acknowledgment and thanks note can be written precisely if needed (optional)
    11. references listed should be referred to in the article.
  9. For the reference, we recommend the authors should use the IEEE referencing style (see the template of this journal) we also accept the Harvard referencing style.
  10. Article should be submitted via online submission on AGENTS (submit here). Article is written using Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or LaTeX document Format).
  11. Notifications of the receipt of article and editorial decisions (whether the articles are accepted or not) will be informed to the authors by e-mail.
  12. Author must be willing to revise his or her article after reviewers had reviewed the Article.
  13. Systematics of writing: (a) title, (b) the identity of the author, (c) abstract, (d) keyword, (e) introduction, (f) result and discussion, (g) conclusions, (h) bibliography / reference list.
  14. Jurnal AGENTS' writing style should refer to the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 46 the Year 2009 on General Guidelines for Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan.